Do you have fashion subject expertise? Learn how to make money online selling courses now!


At The Fashion Student Hub ™ we are always looking for opportunities to collaborate with individuals and organisations to further our mutual aims. Contact us for more details if creative win-win outcomes are meaningful to you and you want to take advantage of the boom in online learning opportunities in the fashion sector.

Sponsor a Course


Get your brand's product or services in front of students and employees taking our courses. Sponsor a course and we make sure your offer is presented at the beginning of the course.

Revenue Share on Sales of Your Courses

If you already have your own online courses and want another route to market then we can host your courses on our platform and then promote them for you.

We offer a revenue shared scheme for paid courses or we can set your free courses upo on our platform for a small setup fee.



We Design and Create Courses for You

We can work with you to create short online courses from your existing educational material through repurposing your content and hosting these as paid for or free.

We offer a full course development and promotion service.

Teaching Your Staff

We can teach your own staff about how to repurpose existing material for use online and how to develop micro-learning content, online courses and mastermind programs.


What Others Are Saying

We've contacted over 1000 fashion industry contacts across a broad spectrum of roles to get their views.

Amongst our audience were educators at all levels, designers, pattern cutters, visual merchandisers, retail consultants, course designers, faculty heads and representatives from suppliers to the fashion industry.

They all had the same thing to say. They believe The Fashion Student Hub fills a need and that it's a great opportunity for subject experts to share their expertise online and make money doing so.

We hope you'll join us either by supporting our work through sponsorship, by becoming an affiliate and promoting our work and receiving a commission on each sale, creating and selling your own online course here or generally offering advice, suggestions and relevant guidance where you can.

You can find out contact details here.